When I just completed my 10th, MPC was something which I wanted to do, thinking I would be an Aeronautical Engineer one day. From getting information regarding the cut off’s for joining engineering colleges to how my next 4 years after Inter should be, I had already planned it all.
But, little did I know that one Astrologer would decide my career! Coming from a family who strongly believes in astrology, that should not have come as a surprise!!!! My kundali was in front of a person who told that I would discontinue my Engineering midway! LOL! My dream went for a toss and life had a different plan for me!
The hype about Commerce in 2009 and with frustration arising from my not getting an MEC seat in St Francis Junior College, I made my way to Kasturba college!
From being a notorious hyper-active girl in school to be called the Rowdy of Kasturba College, I have done every nonsense which a college student of that period could ever do!
I was always a proud last bench student to the extent that, if by any chance my teachers saw me in the front benches, they would wonder and ask me, “Durga, are you alright?!”
Coming late to College, bunking and sitting in canteen, organising events just to miss my classes, arranging proxies to give my attendance, having complete grip on my juniors, and scaring couples who would sit in the park which is next to college, giving Oscar-level performance in front of my Principal that I had just stepped out of class for water whenever she saw me in canteen/corridors during class hours, going to Principal’s office if things are not proper and fighting on behalf of my fellow students, bribing the security for not opening his mouth when my gang bunks, jumping out to the lane from the back gate, making friends with the constables near Dr Geetha Reddy’s house just to stop them from complaining to my Principal were all part of my daily routine!
On the other hand, Kasturba gave me the most lovable Lecturers. They had more confidence in me than I had that I would get good marks despite all that I did.
And the fact was that I used to study just not to disappoint them and prove to a few other teachers who would not bear a minute of me being in their class. Not to forget also that my College supported and encouraged me in pursuing my CA course along with BCom. Seven years (Inter+B.Com+M.Com) in Kasturba made me a member of that family and an efficient student to face the world!
If any of my student is reading this, believe me, give your College what it expects (good marks and decent behaviour) and take the fruits! There is a difference between being naughty and being nasty! If we can understand that small difference every student can make his/her college life worth living and memorable.
I was not a 90% student, NO! So if I can get this far, each and everyone of you can do wonders!
COLLEGE Days are the ones you should enjoy and also Study. Else, you will not have stories to tell….!
Those days will never come back!